By: O2Adv-Admin On: December 23, 2017 In: Uncategorized Comments: 0

We’re excited and honored to be recognized by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts with four Davey Awards for distinctive creative work in the 2017 competition. Receiving nearly 4,000 entries, the Davey Awards honors outstanding traditional and digital marketing created by the best small agencies worldwide. Our four awards are comprised of two gold and two silver awards. Less than 10% of of the submissions are awarded gold. More on the Davey Awards here:

In addition to these 4 international awards, the agency has received 6 additional awards this year. 4 Astra Awards from the New Jersey Communications, Advertising and Marketing Association (CAMA) and 2 NJ Ad Club Awards (Jersey Awards) for outstanding work in everything from Brochure and Print Advertising to Trade Show Exhibit Design.

O2 Advertising offers organizations of all sizes a complete marketing solution. We often combine traditional and digital media to ensure a consistent, seamless, multidimensional brand experience. Everything we do is based on a well thought out strategy – rooted in the philosophy that good creative work should generate great results. We work closely with clients to elevate brand messaging with a unique point of difference that promotes consumer engagement.